An assurance team as dynamic as your employee benefit plan
The way we see it, you’d be hard pressed to find a sector as dynamic and evolving as employee benefit plans. That’s why we invest in training for our benefit plan professionals to help them be the best at what they do.
Jason Emery
Managing Director
Jason specializes in providing audit services for employee benefit plans, governmental agency, and commercial business clients.

We offer consulting and compliance to benefit you
We provide audit and consulting services for employee benefit plans. We help you comply with ever-changing regulatory requirements for ERISA and non-ERISA, defined contribution, defined benefit, profit sharing and health and welfare plans. No plan is too small or too large – from small plans to $1.5B plans with 75,000 participants.
As a member of the AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center, our practice is monitored annually to ensure compliance with professional standards.
How we can help
- Audit and consulting services
- Help comply with ever changing regulations
- ERISA, non-ERISA, defined contribution, defined benefit
- Profit sharing, health and welfare plans