BNN Volunteers at Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

Recently, BNN volunteered at Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, helping clean up the reserve and add new coats of paint to different structures on the property. The Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve provides place-based science, data, education programs, workshops, and technical assistance to help understand and protect the lands and waters that are the cultural and economic heart of communities in New Hampshire’s Great Bay watershed.
“Great Bay is a place I haven’t been to, and I’ve lived in New Hampshire my whole life, so it’s great to get out here and see their commitment to the community,” Tyler Gilroy, BNN staff, comments.
At BNN, giving back to our communities is part of our core values, and we carry those values throughout our work, in and out of the office. Whether participating in a fundraiser, serving on a non-profit board, partnering with a local school, volunteering to clean up a local park, serving food at a shelter, or participating in a fundraiser, we strive to be a meaningful part of our communities. Employees throughout BNN answer the call to “give back” through participation and leadership in our hometowns.