In our explorations of the cosmos, the first step is to ask the right questions.
Then, not with 20 questions, but with billions, we slowly distill from the complexity of the universe its underlying order.
This game has a serious purpose. Its name is science.
--Carl Sagan in Cosmos
Darren is the Business Intelligence Manager in BNN’s operations department. In this role, he provides enhanced visibility into our data to identify opportunities for improvements to better serve our clients.
Prior to joining BNN, Darren served as a senior consultant at a Portland based data/analytics consulting firm, where he built data visualizations to help customers better understand their business. He previously worked as a business and investigative reporter at Mainebiz and the Bangor Daily News, where he leveraged his passion for data and analytics to help tell stories.
Darren grew up in California but settled in Maine after graduating from Bowdoin College with a degree in English and Italian. He is currently pursuing a Master of Science degree in data science at Northeastern University.
He lives in Portland’s West End with his wife Kaitlyn and cats Bernie and Smitty.
Three Things You Don’t Know About Me:
- I spent almost every weekend of my adolescence playing indoor roller hockey.
- Despite being from California, I was once a guest on WAGM’s Potato Picker’s Special.
- I built the Maine CDC’s COVID-19 tracking dashboard.