“Marc has always provided us with excellent service with our Medicare Cost Report. Additionally, he helped us recently in navigating the IRIS audit and suggested future best practices for our IME/GME submissions.”
— Director of Revenue Finance, Care New England
Marc is a senior manager in the healthcare consulting practice at Baker Newman Noyes, and coordinates our third-party cost reporting and data collection. He has been with the firm since 1995, having previously been with one of our predecessor firms, Newman, Noyes & Associates.
Marc has more than 25 years of experience in healthcare management and consulting. He specializes in third-party reimbursement (including third-party reviews, Medicare/Medicaid cost report filing and adjustment reports and field audits), TEFRA exception requests, sole community hospital/Medicare dependent hospital application and volume decline adjustment requests, Medicare crossover bad debts, Medicare DSH, regulatory appeals, IRS Form 990H preparation and review, Meaningful Use assistance, wage index reviews, transplant services, residency programs, and special projects.
Marc has worked on projects for acute and CAH hospitals, long-term care facilities, home health agencies, FQHCs, RHCs, psychiatric facilities, and rehabilitation hospitals. He is also a constant resource of technical information with the HFS Medicare cost reporting program and has conducted numerous training sessions on Medicare/Medicaid cost reporting. In addition to serving clients, Marc serves on BNN’s Technology Team.
Marc earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Westbrook College.
Three Things You Don’t Know About Me
- I love hockey.
- My favorite band is Led Zeppelin.
- My favorite candy is Reese’s peanut butter cups.