Remy Schneider, JD, CPA

Senior Manager

Remy Schneider

Remy is a senior manager at Baker Newman Noyes, specializing in income and estate planning and compliance in the tax practice. She has considerable experience with gift, estate and trust-related matters. She has been with the firm since 2011.

Remy earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Rice University and a juris doctor from the University of Maine School of Law.

Three Things You Don't Know About Me:

  • My best job ever was performing manual labor on the trail crew at Baxter State Park.
  • I compete in dogs sports with my rescue dogs and we've even won some ribbons!
  • I enjoy fostering dogs and small critters from our local shelter.

Volunteer/Service Activities:

Foster for ARLGP
Member of Saccarappa Obedience Club