"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker
Travis provides leadership as BNN’s Chief Information Officer (CIO), leading BNN’s technology function and advising the firm’s Board of Directors to help shape BNN’s long-term vision and strategy. With more than 25 years of technology, governance, and leadership experience, Travis’s approach to integrating technology and overall business strategy helps the firm achieve organizational goals and maintain the highest levels of technology and information security.
Travis manages all aspects of technology at BNN, including the firm’s systems, support, and cybersecurity teams. He also brings guidance on technology and systems best practices, risk mitigation trends, and emerging approaches to accounting technology to BNN’s Board of Directors and practice leads to ensure BNN is best serving its clients and employees and achieving sustainable growth goals. Travis’s approach highlights reliability, security, process improvement and transparency of data, and is anchored in data-driven decision making and a foundation of Six Sigma/LEAN process improvement fundamentals.
He believes that a strong technology posture relies on:
- Cybersecurity risk management and mitigation strategies
- Data driven decision management & Business intelligence
- Value stream analysis and recommendation
- IT service design and deployment
- IT and business alignment
As a business process management (BPM) leader, Travis continually evaluates and optimizes processes by leveraging technology to improve collaboration, system inter-operability, and process efficiency. Throughout his career, he has excelled in developing or maturing technology strategy in a variety of industries.
Prior to joining Baker Newman Noyes, Travis was the Chief Technology Officer at a leading healthcare services and technology firm, where he had oversight for all technology, compliance, and infrastructure components of the enterprise.
Three Things You Don’t Know About Me:
- I am a life long musician and find music allows me to exercise endless creativity.
- I am a novice carpenter and have built and gifted a set of Adirondack Chairs made from 60 year old wooden bleachers from a local Community College.
- I love to cook and enjoy the challenge of creating culturally diverse cuisines.